December 19, 2010

pic sensored di padang.

 gue bersama uni IRA and tanter MIKI
di juliet PUB. aku nyani lagu MADU TIGA time ni.HAHA

everybody needs fun and do me. every happiness not depend on our action only but there's many way for our beloved people to make our smile twice or thrice on tht happiness. padang is the world of action and adventure.

December 14, 2010

exhausting padang :)

so much to tell/. but i just wanna tell bout my new besties there. there so much new adventure i have learnt n i love it so much! first of all, aku suka budaya dia! best sgt. org cina pon(konon rajin) pon kalah tau. aku jumpa princess padang there!wtf. IRA NASTALIA. wht a nice name. but too old for me. at least,dia dh jadi kakak angkat aku kan? TERIMA KASIH UNI IRA ;) then, first time aku pergi pub dgn abg icad(abg angkat aku kat sana). dh lah first time, lepas tuh kena panggil dgn performer dia. aku kena nyanyi MADU TIGA sebab aku xtau sgt lagu indon mane yg aku tau. dh lah suara mcm katak bentong. HAHA. lepas tu aku round satu kota padang dgn motor abg icad. life diorang kat sana mmg best! tpi just selalu gempa jerk. kalau x, abg icad nk bwak aku pergi tempat 5 STAR LOUNGE. tpi semua collapse time gempa. masa dlm pub tuh. abg icad offer aku BEER. perlu ke aku minum? SORI N SORO.HAHA.
lepas tuh, aku pergi beli DVD cetak rompak dia. tau harganya berapa? RM2.40 tau x. mmg out of the blue dear! then aku balik hotel pukul 3 pagi n aku bngun pukul 5 pagi. 2 jam je beb! esok paginya, aku pergi RAMAYANA(taraf mcm JUSCO) bnyak giler boutique. tercengang aku tengok. BAJU MURAH SIAL! haha. aku pon tnpa berlengah, terus SHOPPING. siap pinjam duit lagi kat adik aku. mmg xcukup. aku habis kan 300000 rupiah for that(lebih kurang RM100 kat sini). aku dpt 5 helai baju. souvenir? xkot. beli sikit jer utk my beloved people in MALAYSIA. aku langsung xbreakfast or lunch tau sebab sebokk shopping. PADANG THE BEST! aku mmg cnfirm nk pergi sana lagi plus kak ira pon nk kenalkan aku dgn kawan2 dia kat sana. abg icad pulakk nk ajar aku main drum. WAIT FOR ME PADANG!
to be continued................................

December 1, 2010


damn it! i had said love only make more trouble than happiness. it's better a friendship. love will crash but friendship stand still forever. in frienship, it can turn out into true love as we have known each other for a long time.but in love, there a limited time to know deeply in the heart and atlast there's no equation between both of the lovers and a CRASH will occur. nowadays, both boys and girls just think about getting their mate so easily fast as they don't want their mate get stollen by their competitor but they forget that knowing their mate deeply in their heart is the most important. just a hansome/pretty face don't promise tht they can have true love which stand forever. fairytale had proven tht a BEAUTY and  a BEAST, a FROG and a PRINCESS, poor,dirty girl (CINDERELLA) and a PRINCE. there's no love in the face but truly deeply in the heart. my mom always says, "kawanlah dgn ramai perempuan, dari situ adik boleh kenal mana yg terbaik utk adik". i wish everyday,everytime and everywhere to find a love from a FRIENDSHIP. wish a luck for me ya!!

November 29, 2010

which the best for me?

perh, menggila aku. xtau nk 'stay n still' dgn yg mana. mybe,facebook still the main for me to get connected
wht bout my hobby? urrmmm, i'm trying on TWITTER. while my privacy. i still trust on u BLOGGIE.
hw bout tumblr? i still exploring.. tpi yg pnting my hobby.MOVIE for sure. i need a network to work on of it.

November 28, 2010

nice day with you

hello 28th november! i love the date so much. once again we hangout together but now just only the two of us without ALIN and RIFDI. wahh, rasa rasa best x? SURE lah walaupun aku sleepy lh jugak dlm cinema coz of a nite before it tidur lmbat(buat revison HP6). atlast, movie yg kiteorg nk sgt tgk dh FULL.WTF! buat penatt jer kan buat revison. alahh, xkesahlah yg penting i had fun with 'her'. fortunately aku tipu dia bout movie ticket yg konon konon nye aku dh beli awal2 lagi.HAHA.. nak or tak, she have to attend kan? dh lah t'lambat masuk cinema becoz of t'lampau have fun sgt(exploring whole HARRIS) dkt bookstore. after watching movie, having brownies dkt SECRET RECIPE. berbual mcm2 bout our life. xsangka jugak her life 'agak' sama lah mcm mine.
the most important,THE DEAL yg dia dh promise to me. dia suapkan CHEESE BROWNIE dia kat mulut aku. dgn penuh harapanlah agar dpt masuk terus ke perut aku. tapi atlast TERJATUH.siot punye secret recipe. bagi fork je buat apa! tpi xpelah. she's a sporting plus caring girl. aku susah nk selesa dgn org but i'm cmfortable with her. hopefully dpt hangout dgn you lagi, PRINCESS ZOMBIE!

November 25, 2010

SPM's coming arrived???

rifdi is now is sitting for SPM.. hopefully u will archieve ur goal,DUDE!! study hard or smart is useless by this moment but the most important is ur AMAL to ALLAH..  without HIM, u can't archieve ur goal although how tough go into it.. ur mom and also my mom always say this to both of us "HIDUP SUSAH DIKEJI ORG, HIDUP SENANG DIPUJI ORG". so, this is the only chance to get rid of SUSAH n come nearly to SENANG.

November 17, 2010


huh, long time no see bloggie.. really miss u, urmm.. hello there, HAPPY AIDILADHA. dh lewat kerr? tpi tdi dgr ada org takbir lagi, so aku xlambat lagi lah.kann? HAHA, wahh, best giler raye. mcm ada feel je raya ni. mklumlah buat aktiviti pelik semua. 1. badminton time from 5 p.m untill 10.30 p.m.( wht a long enough)
2. borak smpai xsedar diri 3. tgk movie dekat laptop( sound mcm siot!) 4. text org n mnyamar( ada smpai terpikat org tuhh . haha!

November 6, 2010


today i'm goin' back to my beloved school yaww!! there too much solution i have to face there.. i'm not an ordinary naqi again but a destroyer to 'their' life. i'll take a revenge back. wait for it! dekat sekolah kau mmg raja sultan or whatever but outside the school we're have no relation at all. to izah(kalau bacalah), sabar kay! i'll be at ur side.. just only a week jer lagi kay! a professional think greater then bastard. kau tgk jerr nanti.. 1 more, jgn mudah nampak sedih  kay, dieorang lagi suka bila kita sedih.. tht will make their objectives toward us amortized!
so mush to tell u bloggie, tpi aku nk mandi jap.

November 3, 2010


sometimes life kinda cruel to us, there no such loyalty n truth behind it.. do or don't, we have to face it. mybe this is beginning of a real happiness tht is waiting us in the future. this cruelty shows us tht our best things in life are the destroyers of our life now. they don't be there when we need them. only in happiness they show their loyalty but when sad comes arrived they run as fast as their leg could do. DAMN LOVE, DAMN LOYAL!  i don't trust it anymore. the true loyal or love is when it's arrived in sadness more than happiness..
1. "syg, i love u"/ " rindulah, kalau nanti kat sekolah nk jumpa ari2 boleh?"/ "sy xnk lupakan awk,p0miz jgn tinggalkan sy.."/  "hanya syg di hati baby"
2. "kaulah kawan aku dunia akhirat"/ kau jer yg fhm perasaan aq" / " nnti aq nk dtg umah kau, kite having fun kay"

1."sebenarnya, mkin lme aq makin nyrp ngn ko coz prgai ko!!" / "don't ask about it anymore!" / "just think urself,wht u have done b4 this!!" / "jgn kacau aq lagi" / "mulai ari ni kiter ta de pape"
2." dialah yg hasut aq untuk couple" / "selama ni aq senyap je" / "betul ckp ko, nmpak mcm baik, tpi jahat rupanye ek dia tu" / " xpelah.. aku ada hal ni( padahal aq disuruh jgn gaul dgn kau) "

November 2, 2010


hello bloggie, once again i wrote on u! enough 4 the intro now the content is the most important, as we all know, today ,whole ISKANDAR's students will be back 4 our deepavali holiday.. esok aku nk pergi ampang for a vacation there. nnti aku buat report for the journey there kat bloggie!.. arini, i will try my best to 'rujuk' balik dgn ASZ( itu pon kalau dia on her fon) i miss her so fucking damn much kay(ayat amal,haha!!). pray for my success kay.. 


i want to back! but i refused to because there a problem there tht i have to face if i back..
ada gf, gf xde guna! terlampau nk rahsia sgt dgn aku sampai dia nk mintak clash pon dia xbagi tahu kenapa..
hisss!!! i hope to love her untill my last breath.. tpi bru 6 months dia dh buat hal.. aku tahu aku salah, tpi please give me a chance baby.. ILYSFDM,Ainaa!!!!  dia xpernah ada ketika aku susah.. betul ke ni?
entahlah, untill now, i never have feeling toward gurl so extremely strong like this.. huh!
back to our main topic, everyday i'll face same freak routine.. 1. wake up 2. kemas rumah 3. having breakfast(kalau ada lah,selalunya terus lunch jerr) 4. watching tv( damn ASTRO, program mcm sial jerr dh lah asyik berulang; DVD pulak R.O.S.A.K) 5. tidur or free style routine,haha!  hopefully, my life will bring me more happiness after this fuck problems erased from my life..