March 18, 2011

3 pairs going craizie

last weds, i had such a wonderful moment with the one and only,KAK QAMARINA. here some detail :

(cute as her face)

(sekolah apa ntah**sigh)

(beruntung jadi adik dia)

although just only a few couple of hours,she made the meaningful moment turned into a day full of happiness. before jumpa, kitaorg main hide and seek dlm popular. rasa mcm bodoh gila main text-text dlm store yg sama. tpi best oh. then i jumpa dia tgh belek majalah. then say hye and terus pergi cinema cos movie dh nk start. 

naqi syg akak okay 

pabila nk beli popcorn( mcm atuk bercerita), tiba tiba terjumpa the SWEET couple AMEER IZZAT and his mate AINNA SYAHERAH. just tegur jer cos rushing gila nk masuk cinema. then bila dh masuk, once again jumpa diorng.act, seat diorng sebelah i jer. wah wah boleh jadi stalker terhebat ni. cerita ni mesti HOT kalu POKNAN tahu. agak2 aku kecohh tk? sure i dont. tk suka ohh sebok hal org. let they be the sweetest couple ever.(bodek bodek). kitaorg tgk HIKAYAT MERONG MAHAWANGSA. i siap salin the tagline.

sampai masa detiknya waktu,
redup hati kaum berdua,
pabila dua jasad bersatu,
hidup mati jadi bersama.

after the movie,kak qama pun balik dan aku terus bergerak ke jusco TEBRAU CITY utk jadi photographer
cousin aku, MOHD RIFDI and his mate NOOR totally busy and be needed by everyone on that day. fucking tired.

amir izzat and ainna syaherah

me and my lovely sissy, siti qamarina

mohd rifdi and noor zaimah